Cat's out of the bag . . .

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Cat's out of the bag . . .

Post by FaithyMD » Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:51 am

Cat's Out of the Bag.jpg
My Hubby and I are House Hunting in Defiance Ohio
He has been wanting to move for years, and I have steadfastly said no, this is it, we are here. Finally last fall, I gave in. All I asked is that I get to pick the place. We are sick of city life, and the rat race and want to downsize and simplify our lives. We looked in several areas, before I thought - hey - why not go back to Ohio (I am from Ohio originally). Once I had that thought - deciding on where in Ohio was easy. Where else, but close to my new friends at FFRC. We began our search in January, asking Jacci for advise as we proceeded. But I kept it a secret in chat. In case it did not look to pan out. A few weeks ago my hubby went out and spent a week there, alone. I wanted him to be sure He would be happy there, without my excited influence. Well he was quite taken with the area - so we are sure this is our plan and destination now. I just could not keep the secret anymore, and last night in Chat I told Cheri and everyone who was there with her.
Now don't get all excited, this will be a long slow process. We have a very tight budget, so house hunting is slow. And once we buy there - we will have to sell here - in a very sluggish market. So it may be a year before we are there (hopefully not more). All I am doing now is sorting 'stuff', and working to get this house ready for market - while looking there for just the right place Purposely moving slowly and carefully - so in the end it will all be perfect. I am so relieved to not have to keep hush hush anymore - I hate keeping secrets from friends
Faith is Seeing Light with your Heart when All your Eyes can See is Darkness
I have 3 furkids - Sarah, tabby, called mousk; Sly, tailless tuxie, called porkchop; and Kermit the Kat, a tuxie, called Pig
